BioProcess Europe Event Guide

BioProcess is Europe’s leading event representing today’s leading scientists working across the entire spectrum of biopharmaceutical development and manufacturing. As well as many other pieces of collateral designed for the event, the main piece was the supporting event guide which every one of the attendees would receive.


The client wished for an image of Vienna but I had to link it to the branding somehow. Using the abstract shapes overlaid onto the image gave me the look that they were after.


I had to create a 3D floorplan to give a bit of life to an otherwise dull 2D flatplan. It also had to have room on the spread for the list of exhibitors, which was quite long.

Agenda pages

Taking information from a combination of a PDF and the website, I had to collate this and lat out the agenda in a visually pleasing and easy to read format. Having the sessions of the same times in the different streams start on the same y-axis helped to achieve this.